Indicators under the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)

Performance Expectations (PE)

Indicator Section/comment
3. Human rights
3.1 Respect human rights section “Commitment to human rights”
3.2 Avoid involuntary resettlement

The Company does not implement projects involving withdrawal of residents’ lands and compulsory resettlement. There have been no recorded disputes on land use with local communities.

The Company seeks to improve living conditions for local residents: Nornickel was the first company to introduce the FPIC procedure for Tukhard’s residents in the Arctic (section “Rights of local and indigenous communities”, subsection “Free, Prior and Informed Consent”)

3.3 Manage security while protecting human rights The Company has in place a security matrix, including a risk component of assets’ physical security: part of the Company’s assets is protected by the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and Nornickel also relies on paid security services
3.4 Respect the rights of workers

section “Nornickel's approach and commitments”

section “Employee right to freedom of association and collective bargaining”

section “Stakeholder engagement”, subsection “Grievance policy”

3.5 Provide fair pay and working hours section “Labour rights”, subsection “Fair remuneration and working hours”
3.6 Respect indigenous peoples section “Rights of local and indigenous communities”, subsection “Rights of indigenous peoples”
3.7 Work to obtain Free, Prior and Informed Consent section “Rights of local and indigenous communities”, subsection “Free, Prior and Informed Consent”
3.8 Promote workplace diversity section “Labour rights”, subsection “Employment, headcount by location and gender”
3.9 Promote an inclusive workplace section “Labour rights”, subsection “Equal rights and opportunities”
4. Risk management
4.1 Assess environmental and social risks The Company assesses environmental and social risks for both new investment projects and significant operational changes, such as closure of production facilities in Nickel and Monchegorsk. The Company has implemented comprehensive social initiatives to mitigate arising risks (section “Labour rights”, subsection “Social benefits in case of production shutdown”)
4.2 Apply due diligence in conflict-affected or high-risk areas Nornickel does not operate in conflict-affected or high-risk areas and conducts a thorough analysis of its supply chain in this regard
4.3 Systematically manage health, safety and environmental risks The Company has in place a reliable risk management system based on guiding principles of international standards (including COSO and ISO), which covers inter alia management of risks and opportunities in sustainable development. For more details, please see Nornickel’s 2022 Sustainability Report
5. Health and safety
5.1 Continually improve health and safety

section “Basic employee rights”, subsection “Occupational health”

section “Employee right to safety, including occupational health and safety”

5.2 Provide health and safety training

section “Basic employee rights”, subsection “Occupational health”

section “Employee right to safety, including occupational health and safety”

9. Social performance
9.1 Contribute to community development section “Rights of local and indigenous communities”, subsection “Improving the living standards for local communities”
9.2 Support local economic opportunities

Nornickel develops mutually beneficial relationships with local businesses in the regions where it operates. The synergies created as part of this cooperation and the integration of local businesses into the Group's production through long-term contracts contribute to the economic development of the regions and support for small and medium-sized enterprises across the Company’s footprint.

For more details, please see Nornickel’s 2022 Sustainability Report

9.3 Conduct local stakeholder engagement

section “Stakeholder engagement”, subsection “Interaction with local communities and indigenous peoples”

section “Stakeholder engagement”, subsection “Grievance policy”

9.4 Collaborate on artisanal mining challenges Not applicable
10. Stakeholder engagement
10.1. Engage corporate stakeholders transparently section “Stakeholder engagement”

Position Statements (PS)

Commitment Section/comment
Indigenous peoples and mining: position statement

section “Rights of local and indigenous communities”

In 2020, the Company launched an ethnological review to assess the impact of the environmental incident at NTEC's HPP-3 on indigenous peoples. Following the review, certain communities received compensations and the Company developed sustainability measures in collaboration with representatives of indigenous minorities.

Based on the review, Nornickel and associations of indigenous peoples signed a Cooperation Agreement through 2024. Total investment under the agreement exceeds RUB 2 bn

2 The Company is committed to open discussion of matters pertaining to indigenous peoples and cooperation in the regions of its operation in the form of consultations with non-governmental organisations representing indigenous communities

Nornickel works closely with federal and regional authorities to protect the interests of indigenous peoples.

The interaction (representatives, timeline, initiatives and risks) with indigenous communities is reflected in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan

4 section “Rights of local and indigenous communities”, subsection “Free, Prior and Informed Consent”
5 Nornickel works closely with federal and regional authorities to protect the interests of indigenous peoples
6 Relevant conditions are covered by the FPIC procedure performed in line with international standards